I have always enjoyed shopping and trying to keep up on the latest fashion trends, but I have never considered myself a fashionista. Although I have purchased a few new items since moving to Ann Arbor, I would not say my wardrobe or general style has changed. I like to wear skirts and dresses, have my shoes match my jewelry, wear purple eye-liner with a a purple sweater, and of course heals. Dress pants and scarves, sparkles and sequins, little jackets, and tights; however, given that I am the only women on my floor who wears make-up, even just mascara and lip-gloss, I guess it is not too surprising that I have received numerous comments about how nice I look, all the matching jewelry I have, and yes, I was even called a fashionista the other day.
I do wear my fair share of jeans and T's and am not always dressed up, but it is a bit of a strange feeling to be the most fashionable one at work. I now feel this new
title comes with a standard. I find myself putting a lot more thought in to my outfits on a regular basis. I think in general, everyone's shock has worn off, and I do not get as many double takes when my heals click or my skirt swishes
Aww....I am so proud. Teach'em how to work it up there!
Wait what is this about tights? We aren't talking leggings are we? :-)
No leggings, don't worry, I'm not 'that' fashionable.
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