She is here, all ten fingers and ten toes,
born at 9:29a on 08/20/10, 8lbs 7oz, 21" long. Right now she has to stay in nursery and has not been able to spend too much time with mom. When she was born her O2 was a little low that they were worried about her nursing and since her blood sugar was getting low as well, they had to give her IV glucose. They took an X-ray and blood work and found that that she might have an infection, although they think the sample was contaminated. Needless to say, she has to stay in the nursery for another 48h until the blood cultures come back negative for sure. Leslie is doing quite well with everything and Stuart said it would probably be a lot harder on both of them if this wasn't their third time around ;) So it looks like they will be coming home Monday.
Marissa and Allison did such a wonderful job and have been great through this whole thing. To must of our surprise, Allison is just utterly fascinated with the baby. While outside the nursery, she just stands on the ledge and stares asking for, "my baby." After Stuart took the girls in the nursery to see the baby, Allison could not stop talking about "my baby" and wanted to go back every time Stuart took someone new in. The first words out of her mouth this morning were, "where's my baby." I think instead of Leslie having to worry about Allison being jealous of the baby, she's going to be dealing with a "little mother"
I am so thankful that I was able to be here for such a wonderful occasion. I was not in the hospital myself, as when Marissa was born, or out of the state.
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