Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A good polticial laugh

I usually leave the political issues to one Mr. RomanX , but this one I couldn't help; plus it did not too much trouble to understand the back story

Grassley laid it on thick to Sen. Kent Conrad, reminding the senator that he asked Grassley not to take a vote on something a few years ago and Grassley obliged. Then the Iowan continued to remind the senator that Conrad's reaction to this was, he said "it was a very statesman-like thing to do." But for good measure, Grassley, a senior member of the Budget Committee, ended with, "So I would hope you would return the favor."

Conrad looks shocked and laughingly replies, "I used to like you," before saying, "Oh, you are good."

Without missing a beat, Grassley responds: "Your wife said the same thing."

Upon which Conrad replied steadily and ignored what could have been an even more awkward moment by saying, "She said you were the biggest hit of all the speakers at the event."

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