My first full weekend in AA has been fulled with a lab BBQ, meeting new people at Ted's party, which from what I gleaned are pretty infamous, and hanging out at the park with the family. It was great to spend some time with the lab-crew on Friday at a farewell BBQ for Lynn how is heading down the road to a former post-doc's new lab. All the fun stuff with no work - this post-doc is going great!
Saturday I went out, way out of my comfort zone and went to a party where I did not know a soul. I found, a website for networking of local groups is just about any area. There are several young professional/nightlife/explore the town type groups and I joined a few, one of which was having a party Saturday. I decided it was now or never to get myself out there and meet new people. Dressed in my new black and white strapless summer number I got from The Vineyard armed with a bottle of wine I made my way over to Ted's loft. From the get go everyone was very friendly and made an effort to introduce and talk to new people. I met several people that evening who were in the same position as I was, as well as seasoned professional Ted party goers. There were a few interesting people, but for the most part everyone was friendly. It was a great diverse crowd and the wonderful cool evening made it great for the party to spill onto the patio and even to the vacant patio next door. One of the funniest moments of the evening was the comment a new acquaintance made after asking if I was cold. After another women had responded to him, she was hot. I remarked I wasn't cold but had brought a cover-up if needed. To this he concluded, "she's not hot, she's smart." Needless to say, the people engaged in this conversation all burst out laughing as he feverishly tried to back peddle. Unfortunately after several people asked if I was OK and the wave of nausea that came over me from the migraine I'd been fighting all day, I left earlier than planned. I think it is time to find a doctor here and get these things under control.
This afternoon I met up with my brother's family at Kenisngton Metro Park for a picnic with my sister-in-law's family. It is so wonderful that I am able to attend these events. With only a month under my belt I really feel at home and that I have made the right decision. Let's hope that feeling continues when I actually start my job.
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