Friday, March 27, 2009


Well it has begun! After selling the twin bed in the spare room on Craig's List I decided I should get the room ready for it's rolls as storage-o-boxes, so I threw out the carpet (secret note: it was a remnant), and boy carpet is sure heavier than expected.

I started with just a few things from the lab that I brought home in boxes they are saving for me about a week and a half ago. Now I have emptied out several items from the closets: Christmas decorations, linens, extra candles, and lots of books. I think this might be it for awhile. I do not want to start taking things off the walls or making it look to unlived in, I still have a few more months.


Anonymous said...

Wow... a few months left, and you already started packing? thats impressive, The day before the move has always been sufficient for me :)

Dr. X-Tina said...

Planning is in my blood, I can't help it