Thursday, August 5, 2010

# 851 on the list

Even though some days I feel that there are 850 things on my "To-Do" list, I have decided to add another and (attempt to) keep up with my blog.

After completing my first year as Dr. Sherry, I am starting to form a better idea of what I want to do when I grow-up. I am starting to make some moves towards achieving these goals/dreams.

I have recently purchased an electric piano and have been re-teaching myself to play. It has been a bit surprising how much I have forgotten and yet some pieces come back as if I just had a recital last week. If it is a bit of a trip down memory lane to see some of my former teacher's hand-written notes on the music. Right now I am just focusing on re-teaching myself to read music and play with both hands at the same time. I hope to find a teacher and take lessons in the fall.

I have also starting moon-lighting as an adjunct faculty at the Art Institute of Michigan teaching nutrition to culinary arts students. We are four weeks in to the quarter and I am really enjoying this adventure. It has been a lot more work than I anticipated; however, I hope that after I get the lessons and planning down this first quarter that the subsequent quarters will be a bit easier. It is still a little strange to be regularly referred to as Dr. Sherry for 3 hours once a week, but I kind of like it ;) Plus, I think my head-chef really like calling me Dr. Sherry.

I do not have many pictures to post since I lost my camera in California earlier this spring, although I didn't really use it. Still a mystery to me; so I am taking suggestions on a replacement.

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