Between getting a few needed items fixed on my car, mainly the wheel bearing and purchasing a new digital check book is starting to hurt a bit. I will have to put off the purchase of a new Droid Phone for a few months while it recovers. I am happy to report though that my gig moonlighting as an adjunct will sure help off-set the recent unforeseen expenses.
With that said, I am now the proud new owner of a new sliver Cannon SD 1300. I wish I would have had time to purchase it before heading the Chicagoland this weekend for Desiree's babyshower. Then I would have been able to post pictures of just how cute she is. At 7 months already, she looks closer to 4 or 5, with just cute little bump showing. They are having a boy, and they say boys sit low and to the back, and with her doctors approval that she is right on schedule...I'm sure baby-boy Lavin will be here, healthy in no time.
I needed to take the day off Friday before driving out there just to get errands done, and as with a lab job, "taking the day off" meant going in for an hour or so in the morning and then taking the rest of the day off. I was able to accomplish all on the list, hence the new knowledge of the pending automobile repair. I also picked up a few audio books for the drive. I listened to a few disks of "Beloved" but just couldn't get in to it and follow the story, so it was on to my next selection, "The Next Thing on My List." I liked it so much, I finished listening to it last night and today. In short, a June accidentally kills a stranger she is giving a ride home to from a Weight Watcher's meeting and finds this women, Marisa, has a list of things to do before her 25th birthday - just a year away. June spends the next year of her life trying to complete Marisa's list and, as to be expected goes through quite a life-changing experience. It was, all in all not to heavy of a story, although based on the death of a young women. It was well written and almost suspenseful, because there were a few items on the list that seemed fairy impossible.
Baby Sherry #3 will be here in less than 2 weeks!
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