While at C-street last night, in the non-dancing lounge/bar area, we all were struck by a women who walked in, in a very memorable dress. It was a (very) short, sleeveless, body-hugging, black dress, accompanied by red heels. This particular dress also had a deep plunging V-neck that went past her navel, and the two "sides" of the dress that were covering her lady-part were held together with three silver buckles. Something similar to this, but with buckles and no sleeves. Others who saw this and may have found a better visual are more than welcome to share.
As it normally is with this particular (fashonistis) crowd of friends last night, there were significant comments on her outfit. Given the type of dress and others I have seen wear something similar, she did not look that bad. She was not "falling out" or "pugging" through the buckles, and from a distance it was OK. However, I soon learned that up close this was not the case.
After a trip or two to the dance floor, I was taking a break at our table in the lounge area. T and E were across the table chatting and I was sipping my rum and coke. G had finally made it to the dance floor with single T, his girlfriend and her friends. Just then, memorable-dress-lady was on the move heading in my direction. In those first few seconds I did not think much of it, as the door was just a few feet behind me. Then there she was, standing right next to me, arm around my chair, chest just about in my face (they were short chairs) giving me a very up close view of what one should only see from a distance.
"My boyfriend over there," she points to the pool table just past T & E "has been watching you tonight and thinks your really hot." She flings her hair and moves in a little close. "No obligation or anything, but if my boyfriend think someone is hot, I feel I should let them know...ya know, if they are interested..."
I picked up my drink to buy a few seconds in which I could think what the hell I was going to say. After a huge sip, I sent my drink down. "Thank you, that is very flattering."
"We've been watching you and think you dance really good. And I saw you trying to do some sign language. I used to know sign language, and thought it was really cool you did, and I wanted to come over even more, since I thought that was cool."
"Oh, well, I must've just been waving my hands around a lot. I talk with my hands a lot."
"I'm Amanda, by the way, and my boyfreind," she points again, he waves, "is Jason."
I look over and give a head knod.
"I'm Christina." We shake hands. "Nice to meet you."
We chatted a little more. I found out she is studying the Alexander Technique, which is
"is a way to feel better, and move in a more relaxed and comfortable way...the way nature intended"
I told here a little about myself and what I was doing. I don't really remember how the conversation ended, but eventually, after what seemed like 10-15 minutes, it finally did. At the end of the night, during the last few dances, we spotted Amanda and Jason on the dance floor with another couple. The two women were dancing facing either other, with their respective gentleman friends dancing behind them. And there it was, the girls were full on making out. We left quickly afterwards, I did not want to add that to my list.

Still think you should of at least gotten a drink out of it!
Year of Alchemy! Duh!
"this particular crowd of friends"???
ANYONE would have made significant comments on that dress.
Well, you were at C-Street!
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