"Why can't we get all the people together in the world that we really like and then just stay together? I guess that wouldn't work. Someone would leave. Someone always leaves. Then we would have to say good-bye. I hate good-byes. I know what I need. I need more hellos." Charles M. Schulz
The goodbyes have begun this week and it is hard, harder than I thought. Waiting around for this big change to happen and tying up all the lose ends has been a bit depressing. I feel that I am in this strange limbo in which I am here but not really needed for anything. Lots of conversations in and out of the lab making plans for next week and next month are going on around me and there's not much for me to contribute. I'm determined not to just sit around in my half-boxed-up-apartment for the next week, even though it is a challenge not to continually think about just how few days I have left to enjoy the company of my friends.
I had lunch with my good friend Meg on Friday to say farewell. Her sister, Nell, and husband live in Ann Arbor which means that not only will I see Meg and Chuck when they come to visit, but I have a few friends already in Ann Arbor.
I also said so-long to Diana last night after an enjoyable evening of dinner and theater. I will see her soon, as they are one of several friends moving to Massachusetts whom I will see in July on my East Coast tour. Additionally, as a precaution, I said adieu to Melissa. She will be gone all next week and is returning the evening of my Bon-Voyage party, so depending on travel etc., last night maybe the last time I see her until I visit again.

Tonight is Vicki's last night in town as they are packing up and heading, as well, to Massachusetts. Vicki is one of a few people (you know who you are) that it will be very difficult to say goodbye to. We started our PhDs at the same time and have become not only great colleagues but life-long friends. I will miss her laugh, warm-spirit, great advice, and spontaneity. Thankfully, her and soon-to-be-husband, Erik, are part of my East Coast tour. I am thankful that I will be able to celebrate her 30th birthday on Martha's Vineyard with her, Erik, and her family.
1 comment:
I agree, goodbyes are hard. Sounds like you have some awesome people to say goodbye to. Bittersweet.
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