Friday, June 26, 2009

Last day of work

I only have a few more hours until I turn in my keys and take the last box of my desk to my car. It was a strange feeling driving in this morning knowing that was my last time making the drive I (and sometime the bus) have driving for 5 years. I took care of the last paperwork, went around and said good-bye to a few colleagues in the building, and cleaned off my desk. Even as I sit at my desk with just my computer, it still hasn't seem to have sunken in yet. I don't think it will for awhile until I start at the new lab in August. So far no tears, but I am sure they are to come. It has been an amazing adventure I am not sure I was ready for, but would do again in a heartbeat.

1 comment:

Kirstie said...

There were not a lot of tears for me even though I was very sad to leave UIUC after 9 years! You have accomplished a lot, and should be proud to be moving on! =)