Forgot to mention I finished World War Z while on vacation in Breckenridge. I highly recommend it, although beware of the looks when you start talking about zombies. It was a really solid read and easily broken up in sections (a style I really like). I really enjoyed how Brooks weaved the story of the war into the personal interviews. My overall conclusion is that if there is ever a zombie or nuclear war, I am running as fast as I can straight in to the heart of it; I sure don't want to be around for the aftermath.
I also started and finished yesterday The Last Lecture. This has been on my reading list for quite awhile. It was a super quick read, even for me. It was enjoyed, which sounds kind of morbid, but once I stopped thinking that these were the words of a dead man, it was a lot like the Chicken Soup Books and Don't Sweat the Small Stuff. There were a few times this week while reading on the bus that I had to put the book down for fear of shedding a few tears. I think it was very well written, insightful, and thought provoking making me think of what I would want people to know and remember about me.
I picked up Under The Banner Of Heaven and When You Are Engulfed In Flames. The first was due to rave, I mean rave, recommendations from a new grad student, Christy I met out at Whiskey Wednesday, and the later is because I have greatly enjoyed everything else by David Sedaris. Not sure yet which I'll start with.
I, well actually Glenn, got the new MacBook up and running in full capacity with Parallels and XP. I must admit I was a just a little proud when I found the key code to install Office. The writing on the CD itself (a copy from a friend) wasn't correct, so Glenn wasn't able to install it. I messed around with things when I got home and found a Text doc on the CD that had the key. I'm sure Glenn could've found it, but he was probably tired of working on all my computer stuff - Thanks Glenn!!
I also finally got an external hard drive today. Since I'm transferring so much between computers and am going to be a professional here in a few weeks, figured it was about time.
Finished my last experiments ever in Greg's lab this week. The results are still under debate. I have to work out the stats for the lethality studies. I'll I've got to say is I am sure glad that is done and I won't be around to figure out what's going on; three weeks of septic and dying mice does not put one in a good mood.
I must admit I had a few tears when I was finishing the 2nd experiment on Thursday. I think between all the dead mice and the moving, I'm a tad bit over-emotional.
The 2nd experiment was from the "Scientific Progress" posts. So all in all, it looks like that took just about 3 months from start to finish.
I'm a little concerned about getting everything back to the Journal of Immunology before I leave. Greg is on vaca this week and so we'll only have one week when he's back to weave this new and interesting data in to the paper.
I reviewed my first publication this week for Brain Behavior and Immunity.
Last lab lunch at Timpone's was Friday :(
I am down a couch and a dining room table. It is really interesting to me how certain things on Craigslist go SO fast. Both of those were sold within 36 hours of posting, but I still have not had much luck with the desk and dresser.
I've packed all the boxes I've collected, so it is back to scavenging the hallways of ERML for boxes - it's looking pretty bare.
The boxes have made their way in to the kitchen.
Vicki leaves on Saturday :( but I'll see her in a few weeks when I head out east to DC, NY, and Boston for leg 2 of the big summer vacation.
Finally, I bought some hiking boots for the UP and Scotland. It was an expensive day: boots, hard drive, and books.
I don't know why anyone would look at you weird when talking about zombies I do it all the time.
Look at me weird or talk about zombies :)
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