Wednesday, July 22, 2009

"Ma'am you are in New Jersey, everything is full-service"

2,217 miles, 7 beds, $30+ in tolls, 3 books on CD, 2 countries, 7 states, 13 days, one train and ferry ride and probably more pounds than I want to know later - I am home.

I had just a remarkable time over the last two weeks driving around visiting friends and family I have not seen in awhile, some in 3 years. I am so grateful for everyone's hospitality and all the wonderful adventures I had.

Here are some interesting highlights and things I learned on my trip:
  1. My GPS does not believe in Canada
  2. In full walk, I ran into the door on Diana and Min-Yang's patio trying to go inside after only two glasses of wine
  3. Books on CD - where have they been all my life
  4. Boston is an even crazier place to drive than Chicago, and maybe even NY
  5. I just love seafood
  6. Massachusetts is a very beautiful state and looks a lot like northern MI with all its trees
  7. Napping in city parks is a wonderful way to spend a few hours
  8. All gas stations in New Jersey are full-service
  9. The Island is a party every night
  10. A bridge on I95 did not show up on the GPS and it had my car driving across water
The pictures are up on Facebook and I have some pretty interesting videos I'll try and get together before leaving on Saturday. Between now and then, there are bills to pay, laundry to wash, library books to check-out, and a few other odds and ends to take care of. I am hoping the weather will be nice next week while I am in the UP as I am planning several hikes, a kayaking trip and some other out-door activities.

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